
Showing posts from 2015


Assalamualaikum,  For this week we learned deeper about Food Quality and Sensory. In general, food quality is the quality characteristics of food that is acceptable to consumers. This includes external factors such as appearance (size, shape, colour, gloss, and consistency), texture and flavour; factors such as federal grade standards (e.g. of eggs) and internal (chemical, physical, microbial).  Next, sensory evaluation is a scientific discipline that analyses and measures human responses to the composition of food and drink, such as appearance, touch, odour, texture, temperature and taste. On Thursday, we had Test 2. No comment for the test. Haha. InsyaAllah kullu kheir. =D   Sensory Quality     Example Method for Sensory Evaluation of Food


Salam 'alaik ya habibati, haiii! =D This week we had continue our class presentation on the topic canning and heat vs cold preservation. For next week we have Test 2 for FSM3001. All the best guys! Bittaufiq wannajah fi imtihanik. May Allah ease us. Amin. 


Assalamualaikum guys! =) By this week, Dr ask us to do presentation about food preservation techniques. The first group were presented about food irradiation. Food irradiation is the process of exposing foodstuffs to ionizing radiation, energy that is transmitted to the food without direct contact capable of stripping electrons from the food. This treatment is used to preserve food. Below is a symbol used for irradiated food: The second group were presented about food fermentation. Personally, this group was very good in their presentation especially Achoi and Aqi. Their presentation were very attracted me to focus. Hehe. The third group were presented about chemical preservation. Many chemicals will kill microorganisms or stop their growth but most of these are not permitted in food; chemicals that are permitted as food preservation such as lactic acid, citric acid, acetic acid, sodium diacetate, sodium benzoate, sodium propionate, sodium nitrite and sulphur dioxide. Chemica...


Assalamualaikum. Now we're in week 8. That's mean this is my last blog for this month. For next week, in week 9, we're already in November 2015. Wow! Time fly so fast. Huh! Okay, for this week we never had class for Food Industry subject. Perhaps Dr Fareed is busy. For me it's okay. Although he is busy and our class were cancelled, he never forgets to give us an assignment to discuss in a group. At least, we had something to search for our information and knowledge in this subject. The topic given is several techniques in food preservation which is drying, fermentation, canning, heat vs cold preservation, chemical preservation, food irradiation and microwave heat. Our group had chose a topic about drying. Drying is a method of food preservation in which food is dried (dehydrated or desiccated). Drying inhibits the growth of bacteria, yeasts, and mold through the removal of water.  There are several types of drying process such as dehydrators, oven drying, ...


Assalamualaikum and good evening! Hello guys! So, how are you today? I hope you guys are always be blessed by Allah with rahmah, happiness, rezq, strength and better iman. Now, if I write this blog means one week has passed. Time fly so fast right? Okay, straight to the point. Firstly, I will share about food packaging. Food packaging is a packaging for food. It requires protection, tampering resistance, and special physical, chemical and biological need. Packaging started for over the past 20-30 years. There are 4 basic packaging material which is metal, plant matter (paper and wood), glass and plastic. A number of basic packaging materials are often combined to give a suitable package. Basically, type of packaging used is depends on the requirement of the foods. For example that given by Dr Fareed, if bread is packed with can, did any people will buy? For sure not, right? Can you imagine bread is packed with can? Hilarious. Hahahaha Various type of packaging Nex...


Assalamualaikum wbt, By this week we have learnt a new topic which is about NUTRITION! Sound interesting. Well because for me this topic is more interesting than before. Haha! Okay straight to the point. What is nutrition? For me, when we talk about nutrition I will imagine about diet and Food Pyramid. Basically nutrition is a young science. Nutrition is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients or other substances in food such as phytonutrients, anthocyanins, tannins, etc. in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism. It includes food intake, absorbtion, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism and excretion. - FOOD GUIDE PYRAMID - Honestly, for me this week is the most interesting week and I enjoyed myself during my Food Industry Class compared to the class before. Maybe because I'm interested with this topic as I said before. Moreover, Dr Fareed also shared his knowledge and experiences that I never knew such as abou...


HELLO WORLD!      Assalamualaikum, so here my blog is about Food Demand and Supply. What is demand? Demand is about the desire to purchase, coupled with the power to do so. Demand also about the quantity of goods that buyers will take at a particular price. Meanwhile, supply is the quantity of a commodity that is in the market and available for purchase or that is available for purchase at a particular price. There have a relationship between demand and supply. If demand exceed supply, there isn't enough food to go around, price might increase and importing goods. But, if supply exceed demand, it means surplus of food, price might go down and exporting good.    In addition, we have learnt about Food Security. Actually, food security is when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life. It includes both physical and economic access to food that meets people's dietary needs as well as their ...


     Assalamualaikum and hi. As usual, every week I will share with you about what I've learnt for this week in Food Industry Class. Actually, this week we only have one class. The first class was cancelled because the haze pollution. Even we had only one class, we were given a pop quiz. Honestly, I'm not prepared at all. But, fortunately the question given were quite general and simple. ''What do you understand about Food Industry? Write a short essay with your own words.'' I'm confident with my answer but I'm not sure whether my answer is correct or not. Hehehehe~ But, at least I've try my best.     At the end of the class, Dr Fareed told us to subscribes the 3 link which are The Malaysian Insiders Food, The Food Navigator and The Padlet. Before this, I never explore and do not know about the link given by Dr Fareed. But what I understand in general, the links will give us a lot of information and current issue which involves ...


Assalamualaikum guys! It's my pleasure to meet you again on my blog. I hope that you are not going to be bored reading my blog. Now, I will share with you all what I had learned in my Food Industry class. For this week,  we had debate session between two groups. The topic given is 'Eating to Live or Living to Eat'. My group got the topic of 'Living to Eat'. Personally, I guess both are correct because we need to eat for living and we also living to eat. Basically, nowadays we need food to ensure that we have enough energy to live. Food also can provide nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and lipids for growth, maintenance and normal functioning of the body. Oh! Before we had debate session, we had a discussion about food trends in the future. Besides, we were introduced to a new term called umami. Umami is one of the five basic tastes together with sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and saltiness. Before our class ended, Dr Fare...


Assalamualaikum and hi everyone!!  This time I will share with you all about what I've learned in my second week class with Dr Fareed. Dr Fareed had shared with us the video from youtube titled "History Harvest". Honestly, for me the video is quite bored. Hehehe~ In addition, we also got knowledge from an article about The Top 10 Food Trends For 2015. Here, I will share briefly about the article: 1. Poutine Poutine is a Canadian dish, originating in the province of Quebec, made with french fries and cheese curds topped with a light brown gravy like sauce 2. New Burger New burger puts ingredients such as duck, lobster, pork belly, scallops and squid centre stage. 3.Brinner (Breakfast for dinner) There simply aren't enough Saturdays and Sundays to try all those wonderful breakfast and brunch recipes, so they're making their merry way to weeknight dinner tables. 4. Lituanian food One tradisional dish and quite simple but offers a w...


                                                                              HELLO WORLD!  Assalamualaikum everyone! Welcome to my first blog! Honestly, I have no idea how to begin. But as much as everything that is a "first" in one's life, this is less intimidating and more exciting! Now I want to introduce myself so my name is Faiqah Binti Md Jamil. I am a graduate student from Food Technology Department of Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Polytechnic, Kuantan. I have three years experience in this course. But, now I get a degree in Food Studies Program. At first, I was a bit disappointed but it's okay because I can learn something new, right? Besides, it is still related with food. For my first blog, I guess I should begin with food. Food, what is food? I am sure everyone kn...